701 Main Street, Silt CO 81652 @ 10 am on Sundays
Phone: 970-945-9657
310 Kim Dr.
Silt, CO 81652
701 Main Street, Silt CO 81652 @ 10 am on Sundays
Phone: 970-945-9657
310 Kim Dr.
Silt, CO 81652
Hello friends,
I imagine you all are aware of the recent concerns around the world with the coronavirus. Whether you are concerned for your health, the economy, conspiracy, government control, food shortages or a lack of toilet paper, I want to take a moment and address fear from a biblical and spiritual perspective. The Bible bases the command DO NOT WORRY about your life on the fact that your Father in heaven knows what you need. It goes on to say that we should seek God’s rule in our lives first and he will take care of us. Jesus says, “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. This is where we stand together. We are loved accepted forgiven and provided for by God. Let the peace of God guard your hearts and minds.
In light of a tri county (Eagle, Pitkin, Garfield) order intended to mitigate the spread of communicable disease I am reaching out to communicate some up coming changes. The order prohibits “large gatherings.” This means gatherings of 50 or more people are prohibited. The goal is to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The officials are asking people to understand this is not a hysterical action but a strategic maneuver to protect our hospitals from being over loaded with a high number of ill patients. The order will be revisited on April 9.
With that in mind, Sonlight will be canceling its Sunday services until we hear different instructions from the county (after April 9). We will be providing a live stream option starting March 22, 2020. This means this coming Sunday there will be no service. I encourage you to take responsibility for your spirituality. Spend time with Jesus and your friends or family. Sing. Pray. Rest. Read the Bible. I suggest Phil 4:4-9 and Exodus 13:17-14:31. This is an opportunity to demonstrate our faith in the midst of new circumstances.
Our live stream will include a couple songs, a sermon and a discussion guide for use in groups of family and or friends. I will let you know how to link into https://sonlightfoursquare.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c1198729c29689eb6556e50ec&id=bea3c10f20&e=7170371f85 Again this will happen on March 22, 2020.
If you are sick please rest and recover at home. If you normally give on Sundays, please consider setting up online giving at https://pushpay.com/g/sonlightfoursquare?src=hpp
You can also mail your tithe in to 310 Kim Dr., Silt, CO 81652
Please let others in our congregation know about these service changes!
I made this decision in line with the county health experts. I made it feeling peaceful. This issue is a high concern for our communities. We love our neighbors. Let’s say “yes” to God by being considerate of our community leaders. Let’s trust God to provide for our needs. He is faithful.
Peace and Joy to you,